Sunday, January 20, 2013


I am here working for the LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) Wormherders. Dr. Diana Wall (Colorado State), Dr. Byron Adams (BYU), Dr. Ross Virginia (Dartmouth), and Dr. John Barret, (Jeb, Virginia Tech) are the Principle Investigators (PI's) for the soils group in this LTER. Wormherders was a nickname given by the helo pilots.

People here love their acronyms, every building, most roads, pieces of equipment, and rooms have an acronym. One of the first days we were here we were supposed to pick up something from the BFC and I was charged with relaying this message. I just threw out random letters, I can't remember what now, and was mocked for the rest of the day. But even with my random letters, everyone knew exactly where I was talking about. So confusing. They need a pocket-size decoder that I can carry around with me!

Martijn and Matt are postdocs working for Diana, and Eric is a postoc for Jeb. These guys have the bulk of the responsibilities. Kevin and Ruth are working on the PhD's and Ashley and I are Master's students.

This is the group!
 LtoR: Ashley, Jeb, Diana, Ross, Ruth, Kevin, Matt, Me, Martijn, and Eric

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